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Pinyon Pine 75% Essential Oil Blend – 10ml

Pinyon Pine 75% Essential Oil Blend – 10ml

Regular price: $125.99

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Pinyon Pine 75% is a powerful blend made with 100% pure, therapeutic Youngevity Essential Oils. This blend contains Pinyon Pine (Pinus edulis) and Jojoba Wax.

Pinyon Pine is believed to have a wide range of properties but generally supports a calming, relaxing and clear mind, plus providing emotionally, uplifting effects. In the testing of this oil, it tests very closely to Frankincense and is widely referred to as the Western American Frankincense; and generally preforms as such. This oil is best used for external applications. Pinyon Pine also carries anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic properties and aids with respiratory issues.

Safety Notes: May cause allergic reactions in sensitive or allergy-prone individuals. Do a patch test first and use sparingly. Do not take internally. Use with caution with asthmatics.

Youngevity Essential Oils come from the most respected and ethical distillers, free of additives, extenders or chemicals; delivering the purest, authentic essential oil. Each essential oil is organic, wild-crafted or ethically farmed.

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